5 Yoga Mats That Will Turn Heads In Yoga Class

There’s truth behind the phrase, “nothing is more motivating than cute workout gear,” and there’s even more truth that there’s nothing more motivating than cute yoga mats. We’ve put together a list of our five of our cutest yoga mats for you or the yogi in your life.

  1. Spiritual AF Giraffe

You know that moment during your yoga practice when you suddenly feel spiritual as f*ck? Us too! The giraffe can also serve as your friendly reminder to keep your neck long in Tabletop Position.

  1. Paws and Reflect

Take a moment to paws and reflect while in Cat Pose. You might reflect on how grateful you are to practice yoga, or you may find yourself wishing you were eating pizza instead. We won’t judge you either way.

  1. Zero Fox Given

Feminine, yet fierce! If you are the queen of not giving a single fox about what people think, the “zero fox given” mat is for you.

  1. I Believe in Cow-Ma

We believe in cow-ma, and this punny mat is your friendly reminder that you should too, just in case you found yourself thinking rude thoughts about your yoga instructor.

  1. Time for a Savasana

Trying to chill all day long like a sloth? If you’re busy being a boss babe, you probably can’t. Lucky for you, you’ve got Savasana, AKA lie on the floor and take a quick nap, to look forward to.

What mat will you bring to your next class?